Sunday, October 11, 2009

Carnet Inspection Tomorrow

Our shipping container is scheduled to be inspected by Australian customs at 10:30 am tomorrow.  We'll be tagging along for the inspection and will get to see Eleanor for the first time in about a month.  If all goes well, we'll be able to take possession of Eleanor and the trailer and will be off to Darwin.  Today we picked up our chase vehicle, an eight passenger van, as well as a six passenger Land Cruiser that will haul the trailer and be our scout vehicle. We have a few more items to procure before we can hit the road.  One of the trailer tires needs to be replaced and we have to get a ball hitch so the Land Cruiser can tow the trailer. 

Last night around sunset we walked around Circular Quay and part of the way across the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  They are really serious about security on the harbour bridge, as you can tell from these pictures....


We were too late to climb up to the top of the pylons, but we still had an excellent view of downtown Sydney:

Since we can't do too much until we get the car through customs, we are going to check out Coogee Beach this afternoon.


(photos: Chris Pentacoff)