Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thanks Genasun and EMA Services!

Now that things have settled down a bit and Chopper is back in Boston, we would like to thank Genasun and EMA Services for all the invaluable help they gave us in constructing our battery pack.

First, a huge thanks to Genasun! Alex MeVay and Alexander Hayman of Genasun ( also alums of the team) designed our pack and battery protection system. They were also kind enough to offer us a place to construct the pack as well, and we spent several long days putting together all the batteries, PCBs, and wire cabling. Check out some pictures from the assembly party below!

David screws hardware into some of the PCBs 

 Kelly checks the alignment of the battery tabs before placing the top PCB 

Close-up of the batteries

Julia cuts zip ties holding the two PCB panels together. Almost done!

And of course, another huge thanks to EMA Services. who assembled our BMS boards free of charge. Thanks for helping us out, even during your vacation time!

The team is ready to get started designing again, and we look forward to working with Genasun and EMA Services, as well as all our other sponsors, for our next build cycle. Keep checking the blog, as we'll be posting updates about our progress. 


  1. Nice work! are you using A123 cells there? as you are also working with resistors, maybe this site might be interesting for you guys too: http://www.resistorguide.com/materials

  2. Wow excellent piece work very inspiring and creative..I appreciate the effort which you show here in your post.Great job done keep it up... printed circuit board manufacturers

  3. Can you guys tell me what motor you are using? I am trying to find a brand which produces 1~4 KW motors with high efficiency.
    I only know that CSIRO is producing highly efficient motors but they only have one model as far as I know and I think this means less competition.
    Thank you in advanced.
